Local NHS launches consultation on plans to enhance Warrington’s extended access service
Warrington’s five Primary Care Networks (PCNs) have launched a consultation on Warrington’s extended access service to ensure proposed plans meet the needs of local residents. You can find out more information regarding PCNs via the NHS website PCN page: https://www.england.nhs.uk/primary-care/primary-care-networks/.
At the moment all GP practices must provide some additional appointments every week before or after normal opening times (8.00am – 6.30pm) for their own patients; this is known as extended hours.
In addition, Clinical Commissioning Groups must make sure that patients can access appointments with primary care clinicians and staff in convenient locations across the town again outside of the hours that you can go to your registered practice; this is known as extended access.
From October 2022 NHS England has also decided that these two services should come together and form one service that will be known as Enhanced Access, therefore the Primary Care Networks in Warrington are consulting with their patient populations to ensure the new enhanced access service is fit for purpose and meets the needs of Warrington patients.
What is changing?
Your Primary Care Network currently offers some appointments at Bath Street Health and Wellbeing Centre. Our new proposal offers a “hub and spoke” model of care, with the aim of allowing patients to access primary care in their locality.
Currently the service at Bath Street is operated at a fixed location. The proposed ‘hub and spoke’ model will offer appointments from various practices across the PCN (known as the spokes) and Orford Jubilee Neighbourhood Hub, 1st floor, Jubilee Way, Warrington, WA2 8HE, (known as the “hub”).
Orford Jubilee Hub has been chosen for a number of factors:
- bus routes are available to the site, with the bus stop at the front of the building.
- Large car park, which is free of charge if your visit is under 3 hours, giving ample time for patients to ensure all their concerns are addressed and do not feel rushed.
- ample clinical rooms are available, which will enable the service to expand over time. A variety of primary care services will be available, including blood collection, smears etc.
Before the service launches in October 2022, Warrington’s PCNs are asking people to consider whether the following are convenient:
- Times of appointments
- Appointment days
- Location of appointments
Changes to your Enhanced Access service
Evenings Weekends Bank Holidays
Warrington Collaborative Primary Care Networks are working together to improve access to primary care appointments outside of core hours.
What is Enhanced Access?
Enhanced access offers pre-bookable routine appointments outside of core contractual hours.
Extended access to primary care was introduced by NHS England in 2016 to ensure everyone has easier and more convenient access to GP services, including physical and digital appointments at evenings and weekends.
What can I expect from the service?
Patients can expect an extended access service that is run by a team of dedicated and professional staff ranging from experienced local clinicians such as GPs, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Practice Nurses and Health Care Assistants through to our helpful administration team. Furthermore, patients can expect a mixture of face to face and remote consultations, ensuring the service is accessible to all.
What is changing?
Currently Enhanced Access appointments are delivered at Bath Street. The proposed model is to run appointments from designated sites in your locality Monday-Thursday and from Orford Jubilee Hub Friday, Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays. This gives patients more choice and flexibility about the location of their appointment and makes accessing appointments easier.
How can I have my say?
We want to know how you feel about this. For more information about the proposed changes and to have your say, visit the following website: www.haltonwarringtonccg.nhs.uk
Please follow this link to watch a short video regarding: Enhanced Access - Orford Jubilee Walk Through: https://vimeo.com/714713903 .
The closing date is Tuesday 26th July 2022.
*Please note that as this is an ongoing consultation, FAQs will be updated where necessary.